
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - ASHTON HUGH

    Each month, we ask a photographer to capture a Corneliani Travel Jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots were taken by Ashton Hugh, an editorial photographer whose bold aesthetic imbues luxe energy to both shoot settings and on location. Here, he captures the charm of ranch life on a trip to San Antonio, Texas.
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - LUKE FULLALOVE

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani Travel Jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots were taken by Luke Fullalove, a London-based photographer who’s reportage-inspired portraiture lends itself perfectly to the laid-back beat of Los Angeles.
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - IKE EDEANI

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani Travel Jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots were taken in Venice by Ike Edeani, a photographer based in Brooklyn, New York. With a background in design before pursuing photography, his editorials – featured in the likes of GQ, Esquire and Time – capture a wholly contemporary yet intimate mood, whether in the studio or the far-flung destinations he travels.
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - JOSE' CUEVAS

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani travel jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots were taken in Berlin by José Cuevas, a photographer whose work effortlessly captures the essence of the far-flung locations where he shoots his fashion editorials. Here we glimpse the greener side to the ineffably cool German capital he’s based in.
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - CYRILL MATTER

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani travel jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots – including portraits of himself – were taken by Swiss photographer Cyrill Matter on the stunning Isola del Giglio, a postcard of sun-kissed shores and verdant peaks off the Tuscan coast.
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - ADAM WHITEHEAD

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani travel jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots, including self-portraits, were taken by British photographer Adam Whitehead in Applecross, a small and rugged town in the highlands of Scotland. 
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - EDD HORDER

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani travel jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots, including self portraits, were taken by photographer Edd Horder in London, where he views the city from a lesser-seen and entirely unique perspective: on the river.⁠
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Travel Jacket Project - TEO VAN DEN BROEKE

    Each month, we ask a photographer to picture a Corneliani travel jacket on someone, somewhere in the world. These shots were taken in Rome by London- and New York-based writer and photographer Peter Howarth of author, podcaster and journalist Teo van den Broeke, who is also global editorial director at Soho House.
  • Travel Jacket Project

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    Интервью с Чарли Томасом

    Каждый месяц мы предлагаем фотографам запечатлеть туристическую куртку Corneliani в каком-либо уголке мира и оставить свои комментарии. Эти снимки и автопортреты сделаны британским фотографом и писателем Чарли Томасом в Мелидесе – небольшом городке на южном побережье Португалии.
  • Festivaletteratura Mantova 2023

    - Art -

    Festivaletteratura Mantova 2023

    Corneliani, a partner of the Festivaletteratura Mantova 2023, dresses the Italian thriller master Donato Carrisi for an exclusive fusion of style and culture.